Nawalakw (translated as ‘Supernatural’) is a social venture located in the heart of Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Territory (more commonly known as the Great Bear Rainforest) in British Columbia. It offers us the ability to choose the road of sustainable economic development, woven with wellbeing from the fibers of our culture.
Envisioned as a dual-purpose, world-class eco-tourism destination on the Hada River estuary during the summer months, during the rest of the year the project will deliver healing programs and traditional teachings in all aspects of the Kwakwa ka wakw language and culture. This multi-phase project will create presence and environmental stewardship in our traditional territory, fund healing and language revitalization programs, and create more pride in our people.
Nawalakw and related businesses are expected to employ over 100 people from local villages and the surrounding Kwakwaka’wakw territory, while protecting the biodiversity of this sacred place, and ensuring its legacy lives on in our children and children yet unborn.
We are a registered Canadian charity dedicated to cultural and economic resiliency for the people of Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw territory – the success of Nawalakw will benefit all of the Kwakwa ka’ wakw people.
Nawalakaw is a project on MakeWay’s shared platform which provides operational support, governance and charitable expertise for changemakers.